Free and Easy Sensory Toy for Toddlers!

Free and Easy Sensory Toy for Toddlers!

I’m not professing to have discovered anything new here, but thought it was worth noting down incase it’s something any other mums haven’t thought of. The world’s easiest DIY sensory toy coming right up! 

I got sucked into an internet hole a few weeks ago, looking at lovely sensory toys that are perfect for toddlers. I was tempted by lots of different things, but in the end the two things that stopped me from buying anything were the fact that there weren’t many environmentally friendly options, and the price tag. 

Instead of parting with any cash, I had a look around and found an old jar stashed away in a cupboard. I filled it with a big handful of our lovely wooden Grapat toys, put the lid on, and job done. I’d created a curiosity jar that was free, simple, and environmentally friendly! 

Rolling it around, shaking it, and looking at it from various different angles provided over half an hour of fun so I’m pretty pleased with the result!! The best thing about it is that I’m pretty sure I could fill it with absolutely anything and it’d be engaging for the toddlers. I’m thinking of putting my past-best flowers in it tomorrow! A nice bonus for me is that is also looks really pretty – when not in use I’m just going to pop the jar on my kitchen table. 

If you’ve got any old jars or water bottles (or anything else see through that’s safe and a lid can be secured to) laying around then do give this a go. See what random things you can find to go inside to create a curiosity jar! If you’re short on inspiration then head to Pinterest for some inspiration – I’ve seen lots of brilliant ideas I’m excited to try! 

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